Friday, October 10, 2008

Jessica's Law

The Article "Defendant in Jessica's Law case takes stand
Man denies abusing girl; closing arguments Friday." is about a man named Alfredo Soto Enriquez who has been arrested and charged for the sexual molestation of an innocent 13 year old girl. DNA experts have found both Enriquez and the 13 year old DNA seperately, on something such as sex toys, however the problem is that they have not been found together. Jessica's Law has recently been passed within the last year in Texas. It originated in Florida when a girl named Jessica Lunsford,9 yrs old was raped and burried alive. The law states that a first time offender of sexually molesting a child will spend the minimum of 25 years in prison and the maximum of a lifetime sentence. In his thursday trial Enriquez pled not guilty, he was asked if he had ever touched her and he replied "Never." The closing arguments are being held today.

This is a great article to read to help keep awareness of you and your loved ones. Everyone should be aware of the predators out there, even when you think you have a safe neighborhood you dont know whats going on in others homes.

A great was to stay updated on who lives in your neighborhood is going to the National Sex Offender Registary at

This article is posted in the Austin American Stateman :

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