Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prison Contraband

Within the Texas Corrections Systems, there have been some contraband issues. Inmates have been able to smuggle cellphones, weapons and drugs into their cells. The biggest issue of smuggling cell phones is that inmates have the ability to conduct others to do their crimes for them on the outside. A family may think they are safe from the attacker that threatened their life however, just because he is behind bars doesn't mean that they can call a "friend" to help him out. Citizens are suppose to feel at ease and feel secure with the legal system, which means that when people commit a crime and go to prison that they are now safe from those predators. This has now been proved wrong several times, with inmates being able to smuggle in cell phones. In attempt to put this issue to rest, the Prison Officials have come up with a $65.8 million dollar plan to "beef" up security. They plan to hire more security officers, set up more cameras, and even have metal detectors for the inmates to walk through. I believe Texas officials need to do what it takes to make citizens feel safe about going on with their daily routine.  Even though $65.8 million dollars may seems like a little much, you cannot put a price on you or your families safety.

1 comment:

A. Hill said...

It is a wonder how these criminals are able to manage to get cell phones, drugs, weapons, and more into their cells. This is an important matter that needs to be dealt with so Texas families can feel more secure. This shows you that security in Texas, even though we have the most prisoners and one of the biggest prison systems in the nation, how much work still needs to go into it.

You wrote this article very well and thoroughly explained how much the new security plan will cost and what it will entail. However, it would have been helpful to have a couple extra links for the reader to refer to if they chose to read up more on the subject.

I really liked the last line: "Even though $65.8 million dollars may seem like a little much, you cannot put a price on you or your family's safety." Wraps the blog up perfectly.